National Emergency Number Association ON Inc. – Award Winners

2024 Memorial President’s Award Recipient: Penny Cayer – Northern911 Emergency Services Supervisor

  • NENA ON is proud to present this year's Memorial President's Award to Penny Cayer of Northern911. Nominated by Taylor Shantz, Chief Operating Officer of Northern911, Penny has been recognized for her exceptional dedication to 9-1-1 Communications. Her passion for this industry, unwavering commitment to continuous learning, and efforts to foster a positive work environment, along with her desire to help others, truly make her deserving of this prestigious award. Penny's contributions exemplify the core values of this award and highlight the vital role that dedicated professionals play in enhancing public safety. Congratulations Penny!

2024 Past President and Past Director’s Appreciation Awards

  • NENA ON Past President Carol Frank received the Past President's Appreciation Award in recognition of her unwavering commitment to NENA ON and the public safety industry. Carol has been involved with NENA ON for 19 years, contributing greatly as an industry advocate and conference organizer. Thank you Carol for your long time commitment to NENA ON – we continue to grow in part due to your invaluable contributions.
  • NENA ON Past Director/Treasurer Peter Holland received the Past Director’s Appreciation Award in recognition of his long time commitment to the NENA ON Board of Directors, serving as Director/Treasurer since 2011! Thank you for your long time commitment to NENA ON Peter – your dedication to our fiscal responsibility has been paramount to making our organization a success!
  • These awards were presented by NENA ON Board Director Larry Breen.

2023 Memorial President’s Award Recipient: Jennifer Moreton – Hamilton Police Service Communications Supervisor

This year’s winner is Jennifer Moreton, Communications Supervisor with Hamilton Police Service. The nomination was received from Lisa Osika who is the 9-1-1 PSAP Coordinator at Hamilton Police Service. Jennifer began her career with HPS as a part-time communications operator in her early twenties. Jennifer is very proud to continue a family legacy at HPS as she comes from a policing family with her father (retired) and brother both being Sworn members of Hamilton Police Service.

Congratulations Jennifer!

2023 Past President’s Appreciation Award

Recent Past President's Sue Dawson and Tracy Finn receiving the Past President's Appreciation Award presented by NENA ON Board Directors Carol Frank and Larry Breen.
Absent were award recipients Linda Dickson and Robin Johnstone

2022 Memorial President’s Award Recipient: Pamela Ormerod – Niagara Regional Police Service

This year’s winner is Pamela Ormerod, ENP, Communicator and Acting Supervisor with Niagara Regional Police Service. The nomination was received from Wendy Goertz who is a Communicator and Acting Supervisor. Pam has 16 year's service at NRPS and was trained by Peter Gallant.

Congratulations Pam!

2021 Memorial President's Award Recipient: Stephanie Mordus - Windsor Police Service

This year’s winner is Stephanie Mordus from the Windsor Police Service. The nomination was received from Laura Smith who is the Director of the Emergency 911 Centre at Windsor Police. Stephanie was hired in 2015 as a 9-1-1 communicator and over the years has been a positive influence on her peers as a trainer, mentor and 9-1-1 wellness coordinator.

Congratulations Stephanie!

2019 Memorial President's Award Recipient: Catherine Hogan - York Regional Police

This year’s winner is Catherine Hogan from York Regional Police. The nomination was received from Lindsey O’Quinn who is the Communications Supervisor, York Regional Police. Catherine has spent her first 8 years at YRP in Call Taking and Dispatching roles while accumulating a long list of accomplishments.

Congratulations Catherine!

2018 President's Memorial Award Recipient: Lynn Heinitz – London Police Service

This year’s winner is Lynn Heinitz from London Police Service. The nomination was received from Mary Ellen Costea who is a Staff Sergeant, Communications Section, London Police Service. Lynn has been with LPS for 25 years starting her career as a CPIC Operator. She next became an Emergency Communications Operator and remained in that role until recently earning a promotion to an Acting Supervisory position.

Congratulations Lynn!

2017 Memorial President's Award Recipient: Terri Coe - Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)

This year’s winner is Terri Coe from the Ontario Provincial Police. The nomination was received from Wendy Weist who is Inspector/Unit Commander, Ontario Provincial Police, Orillia. Terri has been with the OPP for 16 years starting her career as a Call-Taker in the Orillia Communications Centre. She next became a Dispatcher for a five-year period and then took on the role of a Trainer/Coach leading up to her current position of Policy Officer in the Communications and Technology Services Bureau. Congratulations Terri!

2015 Memorial President's Award Recipient: Krista Neilson - Niagara Regional Police Service

This year’s winner is Krista Neilson from Niagara Regional Police Service. The nomination was received from Robin Johnstone, Training Coordinator also of NRPS. Krista has been with NRPS for 12 years starting as a Communicator and recently taking on the responsibility of Platoon Training Officer.  Congratulations Krista!

2014 Memorial Presidents Award Recipient: Karen Dmytryshyn - Toronto Police Service

Karen Dmytryshyn joined the Metropolitan Toronto Police Force in 1982 as a call taker/dispatcher. In 1991 Karen was promoted to the Supervisor Tape Analysis. She is also a Commissioner of Oaths. In 2008, Karen was again promoted this time to Coordinator, Voice Radio Systems. She is a model employee, great supervisor, natural born leader and is respected by all.  Congratulations

2013 Memorial President's Award Recipient: Angela Weber - Guelph Fire Department

Angela Weber has been a call taker / dispatcher with the Guelph Fire Department for 8 years. Angela worked a total of 9 years with Orangeville Police, Cambridge CACC and OPP (Mount Forest Communication Centre). All of these jobs involved call taking / dispatching. She is passionate about her chosen profession and is someone her peers and the public can depend upon. Congratulations Angela. Presenting the award are past NENA Ontario President Larry Breen (left) and current President Linda Dickson (right).

2012 Memorial Presidents Award Recipient: Lisa Nash - Durham Regional Police Service

This year's winner is Lisa Nash from Durham Regional Police Service. The nomination was submitted by Sue Knox also of DRPS. Lisa has been a member of DRPS communications for 26 years. She started as a communicator, moving on to assistant supervisor and communications supervisor. Lisa is currently filling the role of Communications Training Coordinator. Congratulations Lisa.

2011 Memorial President's Award Recipients: Amy MacNeil & Julie Crispo - Peel Regional Police Service

Amy MacNeill and Julie Crispo, from Peel Regional Police are the 2011 recipients of the Memorial President's Award. The nomination was submitted by Grace Kempers also of Peel Regional Police. Julie has been an employee of PRPD for 11 years and has been with the organization for 6 years. Congratulations to both of you.

2010 Memorial President's Award Recipient: Laura Phillips - Guelph Police Service

Laura Phillips is with Guelph Police Services and is a Communications Trainer. Her nomination was submitted to the NENA Ontario executive by Sgt. Ron Lord, Communications Supervisor Guelph Police Service. Laura is in her 24th year at Guelph Police and is the very first recipient of the NENA Ontario Chapter Board of Directors’ Memorial Presidents Award that will be presented annually in the memory of Peter Gallant.

Laura Phillips (middle), Larry Breen, NENA Ontario President (left), and Diane Gallant (right). Congratulations Laura.

2009 International Association Women Police - Civilian Achievement Award

In september of 2009 Judy Broomfield of the Toronto Police Services was presented with the Civilian Achievement Award by the International Association of Women Police. An excerpt from Mylan M. Masson, the Awards Committee Chair states,
"I am honored to inform you that Ms. Judy Broomfield has been selected for the Civilian Achievement Award for the 2009 International Association of Women Police.  Her accomplishments and dedication to law enforcement are a credit to your department.  She stands as an exemplary representative and positive role model to women."

Congratulations Judy from all of us at NENA Ontario.

National Emergency Number Assocaition ON Inc. Hall of Fame Award Winners

2010 Hall of Fame Award Winner

Winner Sheryl MacPhail (York Regional Police, 2nd from right)
Presented by from left: Larry Breen (NENA Ontario Chapter President), Kim Bastin (NENA Ontario 1st VP), and Linda Dickson (NENA Ontario 2nd VP)

2007 Hall of Fame Award Winner

Mike Gottlieb presenting. Standing behind from left to right, Rick Galway (Canadian Director), Deanna Tuck (Founding member of NENA Ontario), and Ron Bonneau (NENA National NorthEastern Director

2007 Hall of Fame Award Winner

Deanna Tuck (retired), Rick Galway (Canadian Director), Award Recipient John Farley (Windsor PD), Award Recipient Holly Barkwell-Holland (BH Group Inc.), and Ron Bonneau (NENA National 2nd VP)